Advice needed

Ok kids, time for a “help SM” day again. I’ve really been harping on myself lately for not at least trying cloth diapering. Why now, a whole year after D was born? I have no idea. Maybe it’s the 3 pack of reusable diapers I ordered before she appeared that has just been sitting in the drawer taunting me, or maybe it’s hearing about so many other people who can do it, so why can’t I? I don’t really know what the impetus has been lately, but I feel like I might want to give it a shot.

So here’s where you come in. I need help with these questions:

  1. How often do you do laundry with cloth diapers? Like I said before, I usually only do laundry once a week – 1 load of our stuff, 1 load of D’s or a combo load if she doesn’t have much that week. Having to face 4+ days of laundry is kind of off-putting right now.
  2. What kind do you use? There are so many brands out there, I have no idea where to begin. I don’t even remember what kind I have at home (gro-Baby? is that one? that might be what they are). And does each brand have its own corresponding inserts, or are inserts universal?
  3. Do these things size like regular diapers, or are they all adjustable up to a certain weight? I know the ones I have are adjustable, but again, I have no idea what the upper limit on them is. My luck we’ve already outgrown them anyway.
  4. How much money do you think you’ve really saved by using cloth diapers over disposables? I’ve signed up for monthly auto-delivery of 7th Generation diapers through Amazon, and with that we spend just under $30/month on diapers (more, obviously, if we have to run out for extras for any reason). I’ve also set up auto-delivery of 7th Gen wipes through Amazon, which come every 3 months for $25. I doubt we’d use cloth wipes if we ever switched to cloth diapers. Let’s not get crazy here.
  5. For anyone out there reading this and thinking of answering – do you work or SAH? The reason I ask is that I know our daycare does prefer disposable diapers. If you send your little cloth-bottomed one(s) to daycare, how did you get around this, or does your daycare just not care? (i think ours might allow them, but they do prefer disposables)
  6. Do you use cloth all the time, or do you go with disposables for certain occasions – travel, errands, etc.?
  7. How did you convince your partner to give cloth a chance? Or was he/she on board from the start? I have a feeling R will not be too keen on the idea when I bring up that I have a hankering for trying cloth.

See – I’m kind of at a loss here. So any help anyone can provide will be greatly appreciated!


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