Growing pains

Ever since I started this blog, the little dream I’ve had rattling around in the back of my head is to someday get big enough to make this an actual living. So I could stay home with D and any potential future siblings. So I could take care of the house during the days again instead of cramming every chore in after work and having zero free time between the minute I walk in the door and the minute I get into bed. Maybe I’d even get a chance to enjoy living in our house instead of viewing it as one constant project and workload.

But how? How do I make that happen? How do I get SM out there? How do I attract more readers? Does anyone else even care what I have to say enough to read here? I love writing this blog, but do the little snippets and tidbits from my life really entertain people enough to garner traffic? I’m always in awe of some of the blogs I read and their hundreds, if not thousands, of followers and how widely syndicated they’ve become. Granted, I’ve only been writing for a few months compared to years, but still.

I’ve also never considered myself a “writer” by any means. Does that make me less of a blogger? Does it show in my entries and turn people away? Or never even entice them to begin with?

How will I ever be able to compete with the already well-established blogs and their faithful? Not that I’m trying to compete in the sense that I want their readers to come to me, but compete in the sense that I’d like to carve out my own dedicated slice of this great wide internet too. How do they do it? Is there a magic blog fairy that’s sprinkled them with her popularity dust? Is there a list on which I need to get that says, “Hey! Read me!”? Is there that certain je ne sais quoi that all those other blogs have that I’m missing? Or is that just it – there’s “all those other blogs” so I don’t really stand a chance anyway?

Unfortunately I don’t really know how to answer any of those questions. So I’ll just keep typing away, emptying my brain and all its fabulous contents onto these little pages. And for those of you out there reading, thank you! I really do appreciate your stopping by and hopefully hanging out. You’re the ones for whom I like to tell these little stories, even if I have no idea who you are. πŸ™‚


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