Our life in pics

I have been remiss in my photo posting duties lately, so I thought I’d devote an entire post to these past couple weeks pictorially. They’ve been really busy for us, so there have been a ton of pictures to go through. Enjoy!

My beautiful girl, just after her 1st birthday
Silly girl
Watchu want?
So pretty (and yes, i do tell her that)
Mmm, spaghetti-Os
Her new favorite ball
She loved playing with the water table at the party
The cake I made for D
Hmm, birthday cake, you say?
Cakey little 1 year old hand
Birthday girl. Her dress had an adorable tulle overlay on the skirt part
R takes cool pictures
Daddy's little girl
Happy birthday, Daddy!
1st trip to the WI State Fair
Rooonnn Dayyyyyynnnnne
Yeah, the Axe!
Snoozing at The Micro
Hey I like this Micro place!
R had to get one of the "Cheapest Beers" at the Fair
Daddy and his silly sunflower
D helping me pack for Colorado
Daddy & D ready for the Packers' preseason
One of R's bday gifts - I thought this pic was so cute of him & D napping in Canada


p.s. i finally ran again last night, the first time since last tuesday. i really need to work on getting more than 1 run in per week. but anyway, i ran 3.57 miles in 32:01, for an 8:57 pace. again, pretty much my standard. it felt awful, so i’m surprised i was able to hold my usual pace. i want to get at least 1 more 5k in before the end of summer.