Walk this way

And so it begins. D started walking Tuesday night, at 1 year and 1 day old! I’d seen her take a single hesitant little step a couple times, but this was full-on actual walking.

I was in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet of course, and she was playing with the strip of floor in the doorway. All of a sudden I looked over and she was standing up on her own, smiling at me. I still kind of get weirded out when I see her just standing there, because I’m so not used to it. Sure she’s been walking around while holding onto stuff for months now, but seeing her just standing all by herself out in the open still takes a second for me to get used to.

So there she was, grinning like a little monkey, so I stuck my hands out and wiggled my fingers to see if I could get her to try walking over to me instead of plopping back down and scooting like she usually does. Sure enough, it worked. Her little legs started moving and she toddled all the way over to me and the toilet, a good 8-10 steps for her at least. Oh my god, she did it!! She did pause at one point in the middle and squatted down, but she never fully sat or touched the floor, then stood right back up and kept coming until she grabbed onto my legs and squealed with delight. I couldn’t believe it – she just walked all the way across the bathroom! I was so excited. R was out working in the garage so we had to run right out there and tell Daddy what just happened. Well, after I pulled my shorts up, of course. This was big news, but no need to bare my butt to the neighbors just yet.

I had her on the kitchen floor a little later that evening as I was cleaning up after her feast of spaghetti-o’s and peas, and I sat down there with her to see if it would happen again. Well sure, Mommy, I can do it again, duh. Here she came, walking right into my arms wearing nothing but her diaper and a grin. Yay! She really can do it! Of course R was still out in the garage and by the time he was done D was too sleepy to mess around and refused to stand, so the walking lessons were over for the night.

Look out world, there’s a D on the loose on 2 legs!


** Stats update – D had her 1 year doctor appointment last night, and she measured 31″ long (97th %) and weighed 20 lbs. 11 oz. (50th %). Our little string bean is growing! She got 3 shots too, which of course she hated. MMR, chicken pox, and hepatitis A. Fortunately she seems to be having no ill side effects, so hopefully it stays that way. She hasn’t experienced any problems with any of her vaccinations so far.