Things they don’t tell you about pregnancy – #7

So did anyone else’s skin decide to go back through puberty once you became pregnant, or was that just a cruel joke nature decided to play on me? And not really on my face so much, but I was blessed with the red-headed stepchild of skin problems – backne. Yep, that’s right. Zits on my shoulders and upper back. Gross!

Fortunately backne has never really been an issue I’ve had to deal with, aside from the occasional random blemish here or there. But once I became pregnant? Holy shit. It was like the skin of every pubescent teenager decided to take up residence on my upper back. It was so nasty. I was like what the hell is this? Where are all these pimples coming from? It was disgusting. I started using those Noxema cleansing pads to try and combat it. You know, those round ones that come pre-soaked in their own zit-zapping juice? The ones that reek and sting if you swipe them over broken skin? Yeah, those. Those that you probably haven’t even given a thought to since you were about 15. At least I hadn’t, anyway.

This lovely phenomenon lasted for pretty much the entire first trimester. I can’t remember exactly when it began, but I think it was fairly close to being from the get-go. And I know it lasted until at least March, so that would be a little ways into the second trimester as well. We went to St. Thomas for a vacation that month, and the backne was still plaguing me. I think it was beginning to finally go away at that point, but there were still some remnants. My mom even noticed my shoulders and asked me if it had started when I got pregnant, because she experienced the same thing. Some of the bumps were just awful, too. Like big and painful. Sorry, truth hurts sometimes. And so did those horrible zits. Fortunately the tan I got down there helped mask them, instead of continuing to appear as giant volcanoes on my pasty white Wisconsin winter skin.

It was so odd, too, how it was gone by the time my pregnancy was over. Thank god. Hormones, gotta love ’em.


4 Replies to “Things they don’t tell you about pregnancy – #7”

  1. i didn’t have backne, but my face was super broken out! Although, mine started even before I got pregnant. I think when i went off the pill is when my face really exploded. I was getting acupuncture treatments for about 2 months before I got pregnant, and that was when my face started to clear up (a little). but you’re right, it wasn’t until the end of the first trimester that it returned back to normal. Thankfully i haven’t had any more acne since! I did have 1 random zit last week, but I think that is all I have had since February/March!

  2. I’ve always had the occasional zit..usually on my chin somewhere. But now my whole chin has completely blown up. I have also noticed that my chest has little zit like bumps on it….gross. I was thinking about buying some hard care zit cream to hopefully remedy the situation.

    1. I started using the pink grapefruit Neutrogena body wash with little exfoliating scrubbing beads in it, that also has some acne-fighting properties. Some people will say you shouldn’t use salicylic acid products during pregnancy, but the level in that stuff and most everyday products is so low it makes no difference. I still use the body wash now, even without the backne.

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