A light shade of green

Before I get started here, I just have to whine again for a minute. You’re probably sick of hearing about D’s nighttime crap by now, but too bad. It’s my blog and I can cry if I want to.

So last night she fell asleep on R when I was at the gym and he was actually able to put her down after that fairly easily. A little pulling her legs out straight so she wasn’t in a ball and keeping a hand on her back for a minute were involved, but point is she didn’t wake back up. Cool, good start.

Ehh – WRONG!

At 1:30 the sirens sounded from her room. I rocked her for a few minutes and thought she was asleep, but of course she popped right back up when I tried to put her down. Then I realized she had a diaper full of poop. Oops, no wonder. Tried the rocking again. Nope, I don’t want to sleep, Mom. Duh, it’s 2am, don’t you want to play too? NO, I DON’T. So I had to sleep with her on the couch again for the remainder of the night.

Now here’s the thing. I don’t think it’s an illness this time, although she has been pulling her ears again sometimes. I think it’s teeth, and more specifically, molars. Did anyone else’s kids have molars come in around the 1 year mark? Would these be some symptoms – teeth grinding, messing with her face/ears, fingers and hands in her mouth, overall general crankiness?

I haven’t seen or felt any in there yet, but my hunch is those suckers are lingering just under the surface right now, causing her these fits. And how long did they take to cut through? I don’t like this little turd that’s taken over my daughter.

But back to my point. Check out this post from Endurance Corner. It’s written by Gordo Byrn, the husband of a girl I swam with at Madison, and they are both absolutely ridiculous triathletes. Check out some of his accomplishments:

  • World Champion Ultra Distance (2002)
  • Multiple podium finishes at international races (2003/2004/2005/2006)
  • Swim, bike, run across America (2004) and New Zealand (2010)
  • Personal best of 8:29 at Ironman Canada (0:51 Swim, 4:48 Bike, 2:46 Run — 2004)
  • Co-Author Going Long (over 50,000 copies sold)

I mean really? Sick. In a good way sick, not like uh-oh I’m gonna barf sick. He also coaches for this stuff, which I think is the main purpose for that website. In all honesty I haven’t dug through the whole thing, I was just amazed by that post about Monica, his wife.

I remember seeing a picture of her from her first pregnancy that was taken at I think 39 weeks, and she looked like I did at about week 30, tops. Minus the butt, of course.

And I am not even exaggerating. I thought is this for real? She actually gave birth like one week later? Her stomach was TINY. And? And she left the hospital in her pre-pregnancy jeans. Um, you’re only in the hospital for like 2 days after delivery, assuming no complications. That article above says she was back down to her pre-pregnancy weight this time around by 2 weeks postpartum, too. Hmpf, bitch.

But seriously, I am just in awe. She is obviously an elite athlete, whereas I am nowhere close, but reading about her exercise regimen during her pregnancy made me feel like a total sloth. I know I did a very poor job of maintaining my workouts when I was pregnant with D, and that is the main thing I want to improve next time. Even if I get sick and feel crappy again, I want to try to at least do something on as many days as possible. Like Gordo says, “Do something every single day, even if it’s a walk or easy float in the pool.”

Now, every single day may be pushing it. Ok, that’s definitely pushing it and is unrealistic for me personally, especially since I have cut swimming from my agenda pretty much permanently for a while. But almost every day, that is a goal I would like to set.

The picture in that article was taken again at the very end of her pregnancy, and besides the amazing body and complete lack of belly that I was carrying around at the end, all I could think was holy boobs! Check those puppies out! So yeah, there are a couple things in there of which I was jealous.


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