Well, it’s actually the 6th Annual Blogging for LGBT Families Day, but that’s kind of a mouthful for the title, so I liked Mombian Day better. 🙂 Never heard of it? I hadn’t either, until yesterday. It’s a day for bloggers worldwide to write in support of the LGBT community, whether they are a part of it themselves, know someone who is, or are simply advocates of LGBT families in general.
It’s disheartening that this is still even a contentious issue, but it is. Why does it remain prevalent thinking among so many that two men or two women, when in love and partnering together, make unsatisfactory parents and therefore should not be allowed to raise families? Children thrive when loved and nurtured unconditionally by their parents, no matter whether those parents are a heterosexual mom and dad, two moms, or two dads. And I’m pretty certain that when they’re born, babies don’t look around the delivery room to make sure they see one mom and one dad. I dunno, call me crazy.
One of my good friends has helped be a second mom to her girlfriend’s (actually now fiancee’s, yay!!) 2 children for a couple years now, and I seriously can’t imagine anyone walking into their home and being able to pronounce either of them unfit parents. They are great parents, they have a happy family, and the notion that just because they’re lesbians makes them bad moms is preposterous. As a mommy myself, I can’t imagine someone telling me I shouldn’t be a mother for any reason whatsoever, let alone one as unfair as who I love.
So today I blog my support. For more information on this day, hop on over and check out Mombian. And if you’re so inclined, please feel free to spread the word on Facebook, Twitter, or whatever your social media outlet of choice is.

I’m also going to post this to a blog I found recently that does Wordless/Wordful Wednesdays. Just click on their button below to read more.