
Said in true Forrest Gump fashion.

Dudes, I killed my run last night. And I mean killed it – whipped it, spanked it, made it call me mama. This was a really long one for me right now, and I had been mentally preparing for it for a couple days. I had originally planned on trying it this weekend sometime, but, well, we all know how this weekend turned out…

So I sucked it up and went out last night after I got home from work and picking up D. R might have to work some nights this week which means I will be playing with Miss Thang and not running or seeing my trainer, plus the weather these next couple days looks pretty crappy (something new and different). So I had to seize the opportunity while I could. And I knew I’d need a good chunk of time to complete this run, so I had to make sure R wasn’t busy so he could watch D for a while. I was figuring it would take me around an hour, so I told R my route and said if I’m not back in an hour and a half come get me, because I’ll probably be lying in a gutter somewhere along the way with broken ankles and collapsed lungs.

Now, are you ready for this? I ran 5.24 miles in 48:07 – that’s a 9:11 pace! Yeah, yeah, I know I’m not breaking any land speed records with that by any means, but this was the first time I’d done this route in 3 years. And that time from last night is only 2 minutes off my fastest time ever for it! I was blown away. I couldn’t believe I 1) ran it that quickly, 2) didn’t die along the way, 3) didn’t walk at all along the way, and 4) actually felt good and was able to kick it into a higher gear in the home stretch.

Maybe I am finally getting back into shape after all. My trainer has said she sees a lot more muscle mass coming back now too, which is good. I said I need to be in even better shape before I get pregnant whenever the next time comes than when I got pregnant with D, because she said everyone says stretch marks come with the second child. Whether or not she’s right, I have no idea. But I fortunately didn’t get any with D, and I don’t want to get any with any other Raulings. So I will continue to blast this booty.

I will, however, admit that my notion of attempting a half marathon later this summer was inane. After running 5 miles last night, I really can’t fathom trying to tack 8 more onto the end. That’s just silly.