
I just read an article on the Casey Anthony trial, and my heart absolutely breaks for little Caylee. I mean I’m sure everyone’s does – who in their right mind would be happy about the death of a toddler? But now instead of just wanting justice to be done against Casey, I want to do the impossible and scoop up little Caylee and make everything ok – just one more instance of how having D really has changed my perspective on most everything.

When this story first made news in the summer of 2008 I was all oh my god, that Casey chick is a bitch, why is she lying about her daughter, why is she treating everyone around her like garbage, who does she think she is, how can she not care that her baby is missing? All the focus was on her. And then, of course, the terrible (yet not surprising) discovery of Caylee’s body came and this shitstorm ensued. I honestly haven’t paid any attention to the case until just now, but reading the most recent update and again seeing that angel picture of Caylee shifted all my focus to her and almost made me cry. That little girl was so beautiful and innocent, and here her own monster of a mother decided that she didn’t deserve to live.

Yes, Casey Anthony is still obviously the main lightning rod in this trial, but now the only reason I want to know the outcome is for Caylee. I cannot help but think how irreparably devastated I would be if something like that happened to D (granted, not at my hand). If my baby was taken away before she even had the chance to turn 3. I would want the culprit strung up, tortured, set on fire, and left to burn to death in agony, and I still wouldn’t be satisfied because my child would forever be GONE. Yet here’s Casey, stone-faced and completely devoid of emotion or remorse, her child gone forever, and SHE did it! I just can’t wrap my head around it.

Sure, there’s supposedly all this information that will blow the Anthony family’s skeletons out of the closet and maybe try to explain why Casey has acted like she has and done what she’s done, but I don’t give a good goddamn. You murdered your child! Caylee loved you. Caylee trusted you. Caylee was at no fault whatsoever for your miserable existence. Caylee was probably the best thing that ever happened to you. And you killed her.

I no longer care about the piece of human trash that is Casey Anthony. Her soul will have plenty of rotting in hell to do no matter what the outcome of this trial is. I now care solely about Caylee – may her amazing child spirit be avenged and may she be in peace as a little angel eternally as beautiful as her picture.



One word: sous-vide (or 2 words, depending on if you use the hyphen or not)

Say what? Sous-vide – it’s R’s new culinary experiment, and it was a screaming success. He’s been wanting to test out this cooking method for weeks now, and last night was the debut. Basically you vacuum seal food in plastic bags then cook it in a water bath to your desired temperature. I’ve mainly heard him talk about it for steaks, but I’m pretty sure you can cook other foods this way too. (for reference: sous-vide)

He’s spent a lot of time buying parts to make the temperature control for the water, figuring out which vessel would work best to maintain the water temperature once reached with little variation, and finding the right heating element. I was so happy that this worked, because I know how much effort he’s put into it and would have hated to see it fail and ruin the steaks. Yesterday he got a ribeye and NY strip for himself and 2 filets for me, and last night was our first round of steak sous-vide (part 2 coming on Sunday). Unfortunately I don’t have a picture of the setup to show you what this process looks like, but here you can see the amazeballs final result:


Sous-vide = perfection


The steaks turned out spectacularly! Every single millimeter of meat was done to exactly medium rare – how often does that happen? It was tender, it was juicy, it was like tasting rainbows bite-by-bite. Apparently the magic of this system is that you can cook the steaks hours and hours ahead of time, and the water bath will keep them exactly at the doneness that you want. Then when it’s time to eat, you take them out of their bags, flash sear them on each side, and voila! Soup’s on! For a side he made twice baked potatoes with more of his homemade lardons on top. Yes please, and thank you very much.

And don’t forget the wine. We paired one of our old go-to favorites with this meal, Bogle Cabernet Sauvignon.


Bogle Cab

I have totally dumbed-down the explanation of this fine art, mainly because I’m dumb and need simple explanations to figure most things out, especially in the kitchen. But that’s the jist of it, and the final products are outstanding. I’m sure R could expound on the intricacies and whys and hows of it for you, but alas, you’re stuck with me. Keep an eye on TinySausage, though – I’m sure this one will make for a new post soon.

And of course, TGIF!!! We’re meeting up with friends for happy hour today at a new bar downtown, and I, for one, am stoked! This has been a week, and mama needs a cocktail. Have a great weekend, and a very Happy Father’s Day to all you dads out there!