Your turn

So D is still sick, her fever reaching 104.5 last night. Which sucks, since I thought she was getting better after a decent day at daycare yesterday with no high fever. Maybe the medicine just hasn’t had enough time to kick in all the way. But last night was wretched for her. She wouldn’t sleep for more than a few minutes at a time, and whenever we tried to put her in her crib she would wake right back up and start crying. So we had to take turns sleeping with her on our chests on the couch. R took her until about 1, then I went out and slept with her on me the rest of the night until 6:30 this morning. Her fever was still 101.5 by that time, so she had to stay home from daycare. Fortunately R was able to stay with her, because I had a busy day at work ahead.

In light of the fact that she’s about all I’ve been concentrating on these past couple days, hoping her brain isn’t frying, I thought I’d try something different here today. You guys run the show. Ask me something. Anything about me you’re curious about? My past, my present, being a mom, being a wife, my likes/dislikes, anything? I promise to answer all questions honestly, assuming they’re not too incriminating, anyway. 😉 Or suggest a post topic you’d like to see. I’m always open to suggestions for the site – what you like on here, what you don’t like, what posts you’d like to see more of, what posts you don’t like.

A lot of you already know me irl so this may be totally boring for you, but is there anyone new out there? Anyone, anyone?

If you want to ask/say something but don’t want to leave a comment, please feel free to email me. My email address is up there in the Contact tab.
