Saturday night was the Kenny Chesney concert up at Lambeau Field, and, as expected, it was awesome! We dropped D off at one of R’s cousin’s house in Sheboygan on the way and arrived at our tailgating destination around 1pm. The weather left much to be desired, unfortunately, with clouds and a chilly breeze. At least we didn’t get rained on, though, and R let me wear his sweatshirt before we went in as a second layer to keep warm.
We had a blast. It was just the 2 of us partying together the whole time, seeing how much hell we could raise. Just like the old days. 😉 Coincidentally enough, we parked in the same lot we’ve parked in the last 2 times we were at Lambeau for Packers games or celebrations, so we knew it was an easy walk to the stadium. Plus we were right next to a port-a-john, a HUGE bonus, and we were in the very front row and able to drive right out afterward instead of getting mired in the concert traffic. Our tickets were down on the field, and we got into the show toward the end of Billy Currington’s act. We made our way up to almost the very front, saw all of Zac Brown, all of Kenny, and then obviously the group jam at the end of the night. Mike McCarthy made a special appearance at one point and brought the Lombardi Trophy out on stage, and of course the place erupted in cheers. Another Packer also joined Kenny to sing a few lines, but neither of us could really tell who he was; plus he definitely did not have a singing voice.
The crowd was amped, the stage was awesome, the music was fantastic, and my company couldn’t have been better. But what I might always remember as the best part of the night came on our drive back to Sheboygan to get D. All of a sudden we drove through a patch of “fresh country air” and I remarked how it smelled like rotten egg farts (yes, very mature, i know). In response, R said, and I am not making one word of this up, “Oh good. At first I thought it was my finger.” WHAT?!?! What did you just say?? You thought your finger smelled like rotten egg farts?? What is wrong with you? I laughed so hard my throat hurt and my voice went raw. I could not believe that was actually a train of thought in his head, no matter how much Roaring Dan rum he had consumed that afternoon. I asked him to explain where in god’s name he came up with the notion that his finger may have smelled like a bout of sulfuric flatulence, and he said, “I don’t know, maybe I ran it around the edge of the garbage can or something before we left.” Again – WHAT?! You may or may not have had your hand in a garbage can and now it may or may not smell like a fart?? And what are you doing over there, giving yourself a finger mustache? Wow. I thought I was going to hyperventilate laughing. Of course he didn’t appreciate my making the most fun of him that I think I have in all 10+ years I’ve known the guy, but he did get a good chuckle out of it too. I mean come on, who can possibly think their finger *might* smell like a rotten egg fart but not really be sure, and not think that’s both idiotic and completely hilarious at the same time?
Ah yes, good times. This article gives a better review of the set list than I could recount for you. I may or may not have been a little foggy due to Shandy and Corona consumption. And here are some pictures from the day and night, the part you’ve all been waiting for.