D turns 11 months old tomorrow, so let’s see what’s new since last month, shall we?
Not a whole lot. 🙂
- We don’t go for official measurements again until August at her 1 year appointment, but since she’s been in so often recently for these damn ear infections I know she weighs about 19.5 lbs.
- Discovered she’s allergic to the Omnicef family of antibiotics. Sweet. That was fun.
- Feeds herself a lot more, which is encouraging. Daycare said they haven’t actually fed her for months, besides stuff that obviously needs a spoon, like yogurt. She much preferred to have me feed her at home, though, but has recently become more willing to pick stuff up herself to eat. She does like to grab for the spoon now too, which I know I need to let her do, but I rarely like to since whatever she grabs for ends up on the floor, her head, or me.
- To go along with the self-feeding, she’s started eating a wider variety of foods, too. Doesn’t favor just baby cereal anymore, which I think is awesome. Since we’ve already switched her to cow’s milk, I’ve started giving her whole milk yogurt too, instead of the specific baby yogurt (which i think is just whole milk yogurt, anyway). This is great, since I can stir a dropper-full of those nasty iron-fortified vitamins that she needs to take into the yogurt, and she’ll still eat it. Victory! (watch, now that i say that she’ll stop eating it. pray for us all) She doesn’t mind meat now either, probably because we just give her tiny bites of our regular stuff, not pureed and mashed up. Brats and sausage are ones of which she’s particularly fond. Blueberries are her new-found favorite, and those and Cheerios I think she would eat by the bushel-full if we let her.
- Loves to cruise around the house and does so with ease. She still does the hands and knees galloping that she transitioned to from the frog-legged scooting. Before this funny little maneuver she would scoot with one leg forward and one leg back, and when she finally got onto her hands and knees we were like oh nice, she’s gonna crawl! Nope, she’s still scooting. Leap-frogging, actually. She literally bounds along on her hands and knees, very much like a little pony galloping. Especially when she sees you and gets really excited – man, she moves! She’s already burned some holes in the knee of one of her pairs of pants. I thought only little boys did that.
- Now stands without assistance for a couple seconds quite frequently. She still needs something on which to pull herself up to standing (the coffee table, couch, dresser, toilet, your leg), but she can let go and just hang there by herself. Last weekend I had taken her to see some of our friends, and she was trying to get some Cheerios out of the cap to her bottle while standing there like nobody’s business. Like yeah, Mom, I’m standing here, no big deal, nothing to see. I haven’t gotten her to take a step while standing yet to begin the actual walking phase, though. She still plops back down to the ground to start moving. I have a feeling, however, that first step will occur any time now.
- Still loves playing with all her toys, and now especially likes her gumball machine. She knows how to open the door at the bottom to take a ball out, then drop it back in the top so it can go down the slide. Don’t worry, they’re not actual gumballs, they’re toy balls, not chokeable.
- She loves riding in the cart at the grocery store. She still is pretty tiny for it, so I make sure to strap her in each time, but she has the best time going up and down the aisles laughing and squealing.
- Loves to whip her daily sheet from daycare around when you pick her up like a flag, often hitting you in the face with a paper cut. I have learned to now fold it in quarters before handing it to her to avoid getting sliced. For whatever reason, carrying around pieces of paper is one of her favorite activities – her daycare sheet, grocery lists, receipts, etc.
- Still doesn’t appreciate being put onto her changing table for diaper changes, so I’ve found a tactic that makes her laugh – I reach into the basket of diapers that’s just behind and above her head, grab one of her shoes, and quickly put it on top of my head while making a ridiculous noise and smiley face. This turns tears into instant giggles. Why, who knows? She’s a baby, that’s why.
- Still loves all her lift-the-flap books, and will look up at you and smile as you’re reading to her. I love that.
- I thought she’d outgrown her jumperoo, but I put her in it the other day while doing a workout dvd, and she still goes nuts.
- Can still wear 9 month sized clothes for the most part, but is slowly moving to all 12 month stuff. The 9 month pants are getting pretty capri-ish on her, plus all the summer clothes I’ve bought are 12+ months anyway. Unfortunately the weather has been such shit up until now that she hasn’t even had a chance to break out these cute new outfits yet and has still been wearing her long sleeves and pants.
- Is in size 3 diapers. What, you didn’t want to know that one?
- Still has just 6 teeth, 4 top front ones and 2 bottom front ones. I kept thinking some new ones would break through these past couple weeks since she was so uncomfortable, but I think all of that was just from the ear infections and subsequent rash. Boo.
- Dropped her afternoon nap at daycare a while ago for some reason (not sure if i mentioned that last month or not). She’ll usually take about an hourish nap at some point mid-late morning, but refuses to nap in the afternoon. I guess there’s just too much fun stuff happening there that she doesn’t want to miss, because she almost always takes 2 naps when she’s home on the weekends. As a result, she’s often wiped out tired by the time we get home from daycare each day, but I try not to let her nap so she’ll go to bed earlier and usually sleep pretty well through the night. With no second nap she’ll go to bed as early as 6-7; with a second nap she might be up until 9 or sometimes later, depending on how wound up she is.
And for your viewing pleasure, recent photos of the wondrous and amazing Miss D.