No words

I’m sorry to post such a sad story, but there’s no way I could not. Jenny over at What the Blog? wrote today about a family’s story she found just by clicking around on the internet last night. It is an absolutely heart-wrenching tale of a family that has had to make one of the worst decisions parents should ever have to face – to let one of their babies go. I can’t even recount the whole thing without bursting into tears, so please go read about them. This is their family blog, and this is little Owen’s very own page.

If you scroll back a few pages on the family blog you can read the dozen or so posts leading up to the newest one and get the whole backstory. Their nightmare has all unfolded over this past week. As I read through everything my mind was made up from the first sentence that I was going to help them. But when I got to the end and saw that they’re right here in our own backyard, I knew there was absolutely no way I could not pass on their story. They have been at Children’s Hospital through all of this, and they were even featured on Dave and Carole’s Miracle Marathon for Children’s Hospital that has been going on these past two days on radio 96.5 WKLH. We listen to this marathon each May (as much as we can, anyway, without sobbing. the stories are incredible), and I have donated the past couple of years. Last year especially, it really hit home that with a child of our own (well, D was still on the way at that time) we are so fortunate to have a facility like this in our area if something would ever happen that we would need it. Just yesterday I actually became a donor member of their Miracle Network. Little did I know that donation would be put to use so soon.

On Owen’s page is a link where you can help with a donation directly to the Bissing Family Relief Fund. I can’t even begin to imagine having to face a seemingly insurmountable pile of hospital bills, not to mention funeral/memorial costs, on top of having my heart and soul ripped out with the loss of a child. I just sent them a donation, and I know every $1 will help immensely. There is also a link on the “How you can help” page of the family’s blog if you are in the area and would like to help with meals for them instead.

Please, please go help the Bissing family. If you can’t help financially, please help them with your prayers. That sun that finally came out today? Maybe that’s little Owen, letting everyone know he’s ok.



TGIF!! And especially an F before a long holiday weekend! Everyone pay a little tribute to our honorable vets for Memorial Day (or even better, a big tribute).

What I have for the FF this week are some long overdue pictures that I promised from D’s first Brewers game a few weeks ago:

My 1st tailgate


Miller Park, yippee!


Mom, this place is fun!


Mmm, strings


Thanks for letting me chew on your water bottle, Auntie Stacey


Of course I cheered with Daddy too


And just because, here are some more artsy nature shots of water droplets in the gardens. This time they were on my bleeding heart plants.

Into the heart of the bleeding heart


Just some more droplets


Have a wonderful 3 day weekend, everybody. I get to go meet our friends’ brand new baby boy, K, on Monday, yay!!