Last post on this, I promise

This article was published yesterday about the Bernie Brewer lawn ornament disaster, and it made me feel so much better about the whole thing. I didn’t know there was a “grand prize” Bernie, but I was beyond ridiculously happy to read this story of who found it.

And apparently the hoarder issued an apology too. That’s big of her and all, but saying you didn’t know you were only supposed to take 1 because you just followed what you saw on Twitter and didn’t read the official rules? Nice try, but Bernie tweeted numerous times to share with other Brewers fans if you found many of them and only take 1 for yourself. Try again next time, little Miss Hoardy McHoarderson, and learn to play fair!

Completely unrelated, but equally as heart-warming (or should i say, belly-warming?), check out what we had for dinner last night. I saw these online last week and couldn’t believe we hadn’t had them before! So R, being the absolute gem that he is, grilled them right up for us. You can read his synopsis of them over at TinySausage.


The Hamburger Fatty - yes, those are grilled cheeses for the bun


Inside the Fatty



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