That thumb? It’s green again

Today it was finally nice enough outside that I could get our veggie gardens in for the year. I know – 75 degrees, not a cloud in the sky, warm breeze? Was I in the right place? I figured before Mother Nature had a chance to answer that question and piss on us again I’d better hop to it. (good thing too, for as i type this we’re in the middle of a thunderstorm)

Of course everyone else in the greater Milwaukee area had the same idea, and the garden store was PACKED. But I got everything I needed relatively painlessly and was home an hour later to get to gardening. I got 2 Roma tomato plants, a Boxcar Willie heirloom tomato plant, a Mr. Stripey heirloom tomato plant, a green pepper plant, a red pepper plant, romaine lettuce seeds, sweet basil seeds, purple basil seeds, cilantro seeds (yuck! but R loves it), tomato stakes, some new netting to put around all the gardens so I no longer have to scratch the crap out of my hands trying to weave together all the stupid short pieces of chicken wire I’ve been using the past couple years, and 3 Gerbera daisies for the pot I put on our front walk. R went to Home Depot this afternoon and brought home some more seeds – cucumbers, sweet peas, and more herbs – so I planted those as well as some green bean seeds we had from a year or two ago.

Keep your fingers crossed that my netting works to keep all the vermin out, our seeds germinate, and our vegetable gardens flourish. If they all survive we will have quite the bumper crop! Here are some more pictures I took today to show off my handiwork from this afternoon as well as the color that’s now blossoming from my bulbs.

Here's the cool hummingbird feeder I got at The Fireside


D's peonies again - they're growing!


Back garden in bloom


Veggies behind the garage - beans, cucs, peas, peppers, 1 tomato on the left, chives, garlic, and lettuce on right


Veggies behind garage from other end - tomato in foreground on right, lettuce in netting on left


Side of garage - hops in foreground, 3 tomatoes in netting, and me being a shadow nerd


Driveway garden again, much bigger this time


Front - gardens blooming, hanging plant from my bday, pot full of daisies on walk