Friday again! And it’s warm outside! Last night while I was doing a little weeding after mowing the lawns, I noticed something really cool in one of the back gardens. On the leaf of one of my tulip plants was the most spectacular water droplet I’ve ever seen. At first I thought it was a drop of nectar or sap or something, it was just so perfectly still and round, but after studying it for a bit I poked it with my finger. Nope, just a really awesome water drop. So the FF this week is my attempt at some artsy nature shots. You can be the judge on how well I succeeded with that.

View from the top


Getting closer




More nature


And here is the great picture frame R got me for Mother’s Day. Sorry for the crappy photo – I took it with my phone since the picture frame is sitting on my desk at work. That’s why there’s a glare and we both look pale as ghosts.




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