Just one more

Sorry folks, I’m apparently full of it today. (please feel free to insert whatever definition of “it” you would like in that sentence 😉 )

But this one’s too good to pass up. R just sent me this description he found on one of his bargain sites:  Amazon has the Mangroomer Do It Yourself Electric Back Hair Shaver for $23 with free shipping. Features 135 degrees of motion, and an extendable and adjustable handle that can lock in place. [Compare]

My reply:  um, what? i didn’t even know they made those

Then he sent me the link. Ha! It’s essentially a shaving back scratcher. 🙂 I particularly enjoy the 6th photo in the row of images. Why this struck me so funny, I have no idea. Something about the word “Mangroomer”. Guess it’s just one of those days…


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