Because D hears “Oh my gosh you are the cutest baby!” everywhere we go, multiple times. Seriously, every person that sees her when we’re out in public comments on the living cuteness that is our daughter. And I’m not gonna lie, she is stinkin’ cute. I’ve remarked countless times that I really can’t even believe she’s mine sometimes. I look at her and see that little cherubic beautiful smiley face and just think, “Did that one really come from me? That is actually my kid?”
Today she ran errands with me for about 2 hours and was absolutely awesome. Not one fuss, not one peep of crankiness until in the car right before we got home. But she was hungry and tired, and I couldn’t blame her one bit. She’s too heavy for me to carry around in her infant car seat anymore, so this was my first time holding her while shopping. And I think my left bicep is twice as strong as when I woke up this morning because of it.
Our first stop was the shoe store, which she loved. Takes after Mommy in that regard, much to Daddy’s chagrin. 😉 She helped me return a pair then try on a bunch to ultimately pick out 2 winners, so that was fun. Then we had to run to Target. Or as I like to call it, the $100 store; for no matter how few items are on your list when you walk through its doors, you can never leave without spending $100 or more. Fortunately here I could put her in the cart, saving my arms. She’s never actually sat in the cart seat before, we’ve always snapped her car seat onto the seat rails, so I took in one of those shopping cart seat covers that someone had given us at one of our showers. I liked it – I’m not so much freaked out by all the germs on the carts, even though I did wipe it down with a cart wipe on our way in, but it just helped keep her in there a little better. She’s still pretty small for the cart seat, so the extra padding from the cover helped. She had a blast playing with various items I bought and trying to monkey her way out of the seat and either into the back of the cart or over the handles. We saw our good friend K there, too, so D had some stories to tell her about all of our adventures thus far.

Now, how do we get this good behavior to last through her teenage years? Anyone, anyone?