
Last night I had my first pregnancy dream since I was pregnant. Odd. I dreamt that I was in labor with really bad contractions, but when the doctor went to check to see how far dilated I was she just pulled the baby out instead. Like it was nothing. And I don’t mean like she pulled the baby out after I’d been pushing as would be standard procedure. She just all of a sudden had my baby in her arms without me doing anything. It was utterly and totally bizarre.

But it was another girl. And she had a really big nose. Not like a big, old man nose, but really long. And it was all smushed down and sideways as it very well could have been had she actually passed through the birth canal with a nose that long, but she hadn’t. She’d been magically lifted from my womb like a ghost passes through a wall – nothing to it. And she had a really long belly button area where they were trying to snip the umbilical cord off. Like it would have left her with a 2 inch long belly button. Gross. I hate outies. (no offense if any of you have an outie, mind you. i just prefer innies)

Then after this long-nosed, long-belly-buttoned little girl was born, the most disgusting part of the dream occurred – the afterbirth. I won’t go into all the gory details (unless you really want me to), because it was a bajillion times worse than what actually did happen after my own real-life labor, but let’s just say it involved a lot of bloody goopy mess falling onto the floor, some of which was frozen. Frozen?? Yep, frozen. I told you I have truly incomprehensible dreams.

No, I am definitely not pregnant.

And I woke up with really bad gas pains.



It’s Friday the 13th today – look out! I always associate Friday the 13th with Halloween for some reason, even though Halloween isn’t even on the 13th of the month. Don’t you? So watch out for black cats, ladders, broken mirrors, cracks in the sidewalk… you know, all the typical omens that will render you unlucky for the next 23 lifetimes if you happen to be so unfortunate as to experience one today.

For some Friday the 13th FF cuteness, get a load of this little guy:


Don’t you just want to scoop him up and stick him in your pocket?? TGIF, y’all!