“Good night, sweet girl”

One of the best lines from one of mine and R’s favorite movies, Beautiful Girls.

And how wonderful that I can now say it to our sweet girl. I love watching D fall asleep in my arms, before when she was nursing, and now when I give her a bedtime (or maybe naptime) bottle. Her tiny little hands with the dimpled knuckles slowly stop trying to grab the bottle or smack her head or pull on strands of her hair (or mine), her long and gorgeous eyelashes flutter less often as her eyelids become heavier and heavier, and if I’m lucky I get to see a flash of the sweet little sleep smile once the bottle is gone and she’s officially in slumber land. That enchanting little smile that was the first one we saw before she actually started smiling during her waking hours too. It makes my heart swell and takes me back to those first precious days of teeny tiny baby D.

Good night, sweet girl.



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