Happy Easter!

“Here comes Peter Cotton Tail, hoppin’ down the bunny trail!”

Seeing as it’s Good Friday, I’m off work today – yippee!! We’re spending the holiday weekend down at my mom and stepdad’s house with one of my sisters and her fiance, and it is a much-needed mini-vacation. I now really think it was the wrong move on our part to forgo the warm weather vacation this winter, because it has made this seemingly endless cold season unbearable. And usually by the end of April we’d have a nice warm weekend for Easter, but no such luck this year. Mother Nature, I’ve got some choice words that you can stick somewhere…

But not even the cold and rain will diminish the fun of our Easter festivities this year, for it’s D’s first Easter. Unfortunately the temperature does prevent her from wearing a little dress (i’m sorry, but even indoors when it’s cold i get chilly, so i assume an 18 lb. person would too), but there’s no way we’re letting it stop us from coloring eggs and hunting for said eggs to fill our Easter baskets after the Easter Bunny hides them. Yes, the Easter Bunny. He still comes to our house, doesn’t he come to yours? 😉

And you know how kids hunt for Easter eggs – see how many they can pick up after they’ve been blatantly “hidden” in the middle of the yard or room. I should say see how many she can scoot over to and roll around in D’s case this year. She is really good at picking things up, though, so she’ll probably get her little hands around a few. I hope she doesn’t decide to lick too many or she’ll end up with a whole color wheel of food coloring on her face.

Then it’s time for ham, fixin’s, and Easter baskets full of candy! Mmm…

So whether you’re celebrating Easter or Passover, the FF for this week is a big happy long weekend!


It’s 4-20 day, dudes

No, I’m not tokin’ it up today at all, but I always just giggle a little when this day rolls around. 😉

Completely unrelated to my post title, what I really wanted to do here was brag about my husband again and his ridiculous cooking skillz. What was on the menu last night, you ask? Oh, just some more homemade brisket/green pepper/Colby jack burgers with 25 year balsamic vinegar ketchup and a side of mushroom/peppers risotto (grated parmesan on all, yum!). We were out of buns so the toasted bread ended up being a tasty touch. What was the occasion? Tuesday. 🙂



I really am spoiled by R’s cooking. I wasn’t lying when I said if it were up to me we’d be living on bowls of cereal and pb&js, so I totally lucked out in the culinary department with this guy. He’s trying to clean out the fridge and get all of our meals back to basics – meat and potatoes (or veggies of some sort), nothing fake or phony, little to no processed foods, local ingredients as often as possible.

R grew up on a dairy farm, so he’s 100% a meat and potatoes guy. He loves making his mom’s recipes on which he grew up too, and I have come to fall in love with pretty much all of them. They’re delicious, hearty, healthy, easy – what more could I want? Their farm is no longer a functioning dairy producer, but his dad still butchers hogs every so often, so we reap the benefits of that as well. 75 lbs. of fresh pork from your home for free? Sign me up! I’ll make room for it in the basement freezer amongst all the bags of breast milk. 🙂

Are you familiar with Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution? It’s a campaign to get America to eat healthier, fresh not processed, specifically targeting kids and schools. Now with D in the mix, the importance of good food and proper nutrition is even more in the forefront of our daily lives. R has taken his cue largely from Jamie’s show, and it’s fantastic. Check out his site and sign the petition – it really is an awesome idea and cause:  http://www.jamieoliver.com/us/foundation/jamies-food-revolution/home

Oh yeah, I almost forgot the best part. R declared yesterday his personal spring break, so he opened a bottle of my favorite wine to go with dinner. It was a heavenly treat for a plain ol’ Tuesday night.

7 Deadly Zins Zinfandel


Yesterday the new umbrella stroller we ordered arrived, so I put it together and gave D a few spins around the house to test it out. She loved it.


Check out my new wheels!


Yep, I can still eat my toes in here, so I'm happy


I wanted to get some cleaning done last night too, so while R napped in the living room I toted D around in the bedrooms with me. After almost scooting off our bed backwards while we were in there, I figured the confinement of her crib would be a better spot for her when we moved into her room. That way she couldn’t scoot out the door and escape on me either. 😉 She is rarely in her crib besides to sleep, so she was having a ball scooting around and playing with her toys and blankets in there. Look what she discovered she can do now, too:

Hmm, what are these bars for?


Ah ha!


Oo, what do we have here? Remotes are my favorite!


Now that I got the remote I'll just move down here to my soap...


She is becoming one very busy little girl, as you can tell by the blur factor in some of the pictures, and is thisclose to figuring out how to crawl instead of scoot. Then we will be in trouuuuuble. Look out house, I’m comin’ through!



One more bottle

Last night R grilled porterhouse steaks and Texas toast and made smashed red potatoes for dinner. I am so lucky. And we paired another delicious bottle of wine with the meal:

Penfolds Koonunga Hill Shiraz Cabernet


Funny name, fantastic taste.


The end of an era

Well, we reached a milestone over the weekend. And it’s kind of funny, since I’ve been thinking about this so much lately and ended up not even being the one to decide how it was going to happen after all. D has stopped nursing. Wait, what, already? I thought I was going to tell her when we stopped, not the other way around.

Everything was going fine as usual Friday morning when I fed her before daycare, then R came in the room to get to his closet and she got distracted by Daddy. This always happens, so she stopped eating after just a little bit. But then when I tried to feed her when we got home from daycare Friday afternoon she refused, which was odd. Even if she’s not really hungry she’d never flat out refused to nurse before. Ok, no big deal, we’ll just try again later. Her cold was kicking in again, and we’re afraid her ear infection is back too (greeeat, gotta call the doctor again today to try to get it cleared up one more time), so I didn’t think it was totally bizarre that she wasn’t hungry. What I did find more strange, though, was when she refused to nurse before bed that night. She had eaten dinner at her normal time around 6:30, but she had no milk at all that afternoon or night, just some water from her bottle shortly before bed. I was convinced this wouldn’t cut the mustard and she’d be up at least once in the middle of the night, but I was wrong (not complaining on that error of judgment, mind you, just surprised). She slept through ’til her normal wakeup time of 6:30 Saturday morning, but then refused the boob once more. Now I was kind of perplexed – 3 times in a row of no Mommy eating? What’d I do wrong? She happily gulped down a bottle though, so at least it wasn’t that she had no appetite.

So, my friends, it appears my days as a milkin’ mama are drawing to a close. It’s pretty bittersweet too, surprisingly. I’ve become very ready to be done nursing lately, or at least be done pumping, I should say. Which is silly, since I planned on continuing to pump for a while even after D stopped nursing, just to make sure we had enough stockpiled in the freezer to last her to the one year mark on breast milk. She gets distracted so easily now too, sometimes nursing was almost a chore. Getting her to pay attention to eating without chewing on my necklace instead, or watching R as he walked by, or listening to R if he started talking, or looking up at me if I said something, was becoming a little tiresome, and I knew it would probably just get more so the bigger and squirmier she got.

But now I actually kind of miss it. That really is a special bond between mom and baby, something no one else but me will ever get to experience or know. Gazing down at my precious little angel, just a few inches from my face, knowing I’m the one providing for her. Even when she was a newborn and it happened all hours of the day and night, sometimes to the point where I was convinced there was no way she’d be able to get another drop out of there since it seemed like she had just eaten, yet always did. And now it’s gone. Just like that. I didn’t get that one last nursing that I expected to have and remember when I wanted to stop, it just came out of the blue. I thought maybe I’d still get the occasional nursing in if she woke up during the night, or possibly at bedtime if she was really hungry/overtired and the bottle just wasn’t cutting it. But she woke up last night and refused me again, wanting the bottle instead. *Tear*

8.5 months is pretty good though, so I can’t be too upset. And like I said, I was pretty much ready for this. I just didn’t think it was going to happen right.now. I was planning on nursing her through the end of next month, with just a few more pumping sessions after that so I was done with the boob milk factory by summer. I guess D had different plans. I’m still going to try to pump twice a day to keep adding to our reserves for that next month, but I can tell that only expressing once every 12 hours has already started to reduce my supply over just these past couple days. Hopefully my body is just getting used to a reduced schedule and I’ll still be able to produce enough to keep that going for a couple more weeks, because I really didn’t want to be completely finished with it all quite yet. That one year mark is a big psychological barrier for me – I’ve always heard before then babies aren’t supposed to transition to cow’s milk, so I really really want to get her there with my milk if at all possible. I counted up how many bags we have frozen, and right now we’re sitting on 57. I’ll have to do a little math to see how long this will last us if my supply does dwindle before I’d hoped. And hopefully as D starts eating more and more solids and drinking more water between meals instead of milk, she won’t need as much Mommy’s milk and we’ll make it through the summer for her.

I can’t help but wonder – why did she decide to stop? Was it something I did? I thought maybe my little “Stop biting!” shout Thursday morning scared her away from me, that she started associating nursing with me getting upset, but she did nurse fine Thursday night and Friday morning. I sure hope that wasn’t the reason why. I’d feel so horrible if I scared my baby away from eating from me because I tried to make her eat when she wasn’t hungry and then startled her when I got bitten, which was totally my fault. Ugh. Did she start sensing my increasing anxiety of a nibble with each feeding? That I was scared that as she sprouted more teeth the likelihood that I was going to get bitten when I fed her increased exponentially? I did notice when I tried to feed her Friday afternoon/evening that she looked like she was going in more for a nibble than a suckling, so I kind of shied away each time. I don’t know. Maybe she’s just ready to be done. I seriously do hope, though, that it wasn’t something I did that made her want to stop. Fortunately she’s happy as a clam when she takes the bottles still, so she does continue to get the great nutritional value of my milk.

8.5 months and she’s already asserting some independence. Aww, my baby is growing up so fast… *sniff, sniff*

I must admit, though, it was nice to not bring the pump to work today for the first time since I’ve come back. And I don’t have to wear nursing bras anymore, or worry about nursing pads for said bras. And I won’t have to tote the pump along everywhere we go if we’re gone for more than a few hours anymore. Maybe I’ll be ok after all.



It was a lazy day and a wine night

Today we had all the best intentions to get a lot of work done on the house, since we’ve been extremely remiss in that department lately and the four year mark of this remodel is knocking on the door. Honest.

However, an early rise by D, followed soon after by a 2 hour nap for her that allowed R to sleep in and me to go back to sleep too resulted in us turning this day into a fully lazy family day. And it was pure bliss.

We don’t get these often, and the skies have never come tumbling down when we’ve put off house work before, so we took full advantage. I did no cleaning or laundry, R hung not one inch of trim, D got to be in jammies all day after her bath this morning, and we spent the entire afternoon and evening catching up on and finishing the series Big Love. Ahh….

D’s cold is back – AGAIN – but her usual smiley little self was in full effect between naps, complete with laughing, squeaking, and scooting around the house. This afternoon I was blessed with 2 hours of my left arm full of this, though:

Beautiful sleeper

Followed by a little of this:

Happy 'lil girl

Tonight we cracked open 3 bottles of wine, simply because we can. They were great, too. I can’t remember the last time I actually thought each bottle we opened was really good. Here’s what our personal wine tasting entailed:

Lindaflor Malbec 2007
Menage a Trois 2009
Cupcake Shiraz 2008


It’s been a wonderful day. And the best part? The weekend’s only half over!