FF *Edited*

It’s the Royal Wedding today, duh! And yes, I did get up at 4:30 this morning to watch the VIPs arriving at the church, the ceremony, the recessional, and just now the kiss. Ahh… the kiss! Kisses actually, since they puckered up twice on the balcony of Buckingham Palace for the cheering masses. How fun!

I don’t care how many people make fun of me for watching, I thought it was beautiful. It’s every little girl’s dream to be a princess, and now Kate Middleton really is! My sister M and I were texting back and forth all morning commenting on the hats (how ugly most of them were!**), the horses, the Abbey, the Princes giggling together as they walked in, the dresses. It was great! I can’t say Kate’s dress impressed me that much, but I LOVED Pippa’s. Did you see it? Here:

I love the cowl neck and mermaid style


and the buttons down the back!


And how studly did Prince Harry look up at the altar? I always thought he was kind of a chump, but he looked pretty good sauntering in there today. I think he and Pippa would make a cute pair.

Anyone else wake up at the crack of dawn to enjoy some tea and scones and pretend you were a Brit for the morning? Ok I didn’t have any tea or scones, nor did I talk in a haughty fake British accent, but I did thoroughly enjoy watching the Prince finally marry his Princess. 🙂

**Did they honestly look in the mirror before the festivities this morning and think, “Damn this fascinator looks good!”? And why are these called fascinators?

Not exactly my cup of tea


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