It is a sad state of affairs, my friends, when I consider $3.99 for a gallon of gas to be a good thing. How outrageous!
We’ve watched the cheaper of the 2 gas stations close to our house slowly creep up to that ridiculous $4 mark, but it always managed to bounce back down. Earlier this week, however, it finally gave up and now stands at $4.09 per gallon of regular gasoline. Ugh. I refused to succumb to such an atrocious amount and was determined to find a station that was still somewhere in the $3s. Fortunately Wednesday on my way home from work, when I was just about down to fumes in the tank, I stopped at a station close to my office that was still at $3.99 per gallon. Hallelujah, praise the lord, I found the elusive <$4 fuel!
Um, not so much. My total for a tank was $61.67. Zoinks!! And this is for a Toyota Highlander with good gas mileage. Thank heavens I don’t drive a Hummer.
Unfortunately said gas station was up to $4.09 for regular on my way home yesterday. Boo. I know I should probably just ride my bike – better for me, better for the environment, and all. But it’d be almost a solid hour ride each way, plus I’d have to bring all my shower stuff to work because you know I can’t bike for an hour at a good road bike clip without sweating like a man. And there are no convenient bus stations to my office either. So drive it is.
Here, Mr. Oil Commodity-man, you can have one of these: