As April winds down and May approaches, I’ve been thinking back on how much D has accomplished this month. She started scooting in earnest early in the month (the video R took was from April 6) instead of just pushing herself around on her stomach. This may actually have started before then, but that was the first time we saw her do it at home. We’re still waiting for that first crawl, though. Unkie C gave her plenty of lessons this past weekend, but scooting is still her preferred method of transportation.
She started pulling herself up on things. The little monkey in the bars of her crib was last week on April 18, and then her teacher said she finally pulled herself all the way up on the play blocks at daycare the day after that too. I was playing with her on the floor this weekend and she used my arm to pull herself up to fully standing – there she was, all 28ish inches of her looking me right in the eye. 🙂 That was the first time I’d seen her stand as well. Before that she’d just gotten to her knees with one foot trying to move to standing.
She likes to rock her highchair. And I don’t mean like she’s all heeeeyyy, check me out in my new highchair. I mean she literally rocks the thing. At meal times she’ll take a bite, then rock back and forth, slamming into the back of the seat and scooting the whole chair. Granted the wheels do lock to prevent movement, so it’s not like she’s cruising around the house in a highchair, but it’s still funny. 😉 This chick does not like to sit still.
This one’s not movement-related, but her top teeth are now coming in to match the pair of chompers on the bottom. Chuck and Cecil have upstairs neighbors! These broke through last month, but now the front four are prominently on display in that darling little smile.

Our beautiful baby girl is getting so big! I can’t believe she’ll be 9 months old in a few days. 9 months sounds like a long time, but I remember the feel of bringing her home for the very first time as if it was yesterday. In all honesty, though, the time has seemed to go by just right, if that makes any sense. It does seem like it’s been 9 whole months, instead of flying by like time usually does. But I know in a couple years I’ll look back on these days and say it all went by in the blink of an eye…