I love music. But I am absolutely terrible at knowing who sings the songs I like. Do you do that? You love a song, can sing along to all the words at the top of your lungs, but you have no idea who the artist or band is. Or am I the only weirdo that doesn’t pay enough attention to the soundtrack of her life? 🙂
Ever since R and I started dating, I’ve become a huge fan of classic rock. He’s listened to our local classic rock station his whole life, so once we got together I started listening to this genre too. Mainly because our relationship was new, I was soooo in love, I thought everything he did was fantastically awesome, and I wanted to do and like all the same things he did. Granted, some of that brand new relationship mystique has worn off by now (what?? no way!) and there are certain interests of his that I could only tag along with for so long, but this is one of his “things” that I ended up really genuinely enjoying.
Prior to R, I was a total hip-hop, rap, gangsta chick. Well, not me personally, but my taste in music. My high school was completely ghetto, and music was the one area of my life in which that “style” had any influence. Snoop’s “Doggystyle” is, has been, and always will be one of my favorite albums of all time. No matter where I am or what I’m doing, if I hear that one come on I can rap along word-for-word as if I was Lady of Rage herself with my afro puffs. Hands down, it’s my favorite driving album. I know every word to every song, and it instantly turns my Toyota Highlander into a low-riding pimped-out Caddy rollin’ on dubs and bouncing with hydraulics.

But back to my point. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m a relative newcomer to classic rock or what, but even my favorite songs I often have trouble telling you who the artist is. I’m sure it annoys the piss out of R too, because I constantly ask him, “Who sings this?” He’s probably like good lord woman, don’t you know by now?? (maybe not really, maybe he pays no attention to how many times i ask, but i always feel like i get annoying) I’m really bad figuring out lyrics too. I often do the classic gloss-over to words I don’t know for sure. You know, you’re singing along great then you hit that one spot on which you’re a little unsure, so your voice gets a notch lower and you try to just smear some words together that sound like the real thing. There’s one song in particular where I just figured out a line a few days ago – REO Speedwagon’s “Time For Me To Fly”. When they say, “Enough of the jealousy, And the intoleration…” I never knew what that last word was, then all of a sudden I heard it again on the radio the other day and it’s like a light bulb went off in my head. Ah ha! Intoleration, that’s what it is!
Maybe this is why I hate karaoke too – I don’t want to have to learn the words to a song as I’m reading them on a monitor in front of a bar full of people. But I’m sure everyone would just be so blown away by my beautiful singing voice they wouldn’t even notice if I flubbed a few words in typical SM fashion. (joke. i can’t sing for crap)
And maybe someday I’ll finally figure out who all the artists and bands are that have been playing these songs I love for all these years. Meh, probably not. I’ll just keep bugging R and asking, “Who sings this?” 🙂