For starters, what do you think of this layout for the blog? I can’t change the picture up top to put in my other ones like I used to have, but that shoreline picture is kind of neat and I like the color scheme and graphics of this theme. Good, bad, otherwise – lemme know. I’ll probably keep changing it around a bit too, so don’t be surprised if you see a different look a few more times.
Now here are the pics I promised from our anniversary limo ride this weekend. Like I said, R was totally surprised and had a great time. It’s amazing how much fun you can have pretending to be high rollers. π

And since the weather has actually been cooperating the past couple days, I got another jog in last night. Added a little distance this time – 2.09 miles in 19:21, which is a 9:15 pace. A little slower than last week’s pace, but I did add just over half a mile. I’ll take it. I didn’t walk, and my new running kicks felt great. Slowly but surely. I looked back at my past runs and the fastest I’ve ever done that same route was 16:13, a 7:45 pace. Yikes! I’ve fallen a long way in the 3 years since then. π
You’re doing awesome with your running, keep up the good work! The more you do it, the quicker you will get, no worries!