A bonus post today, just because she’s so stinkin’ cute. Look what D’s new favorite trick is:
A bonus post today, just because she’s so stinkin’ cute. Look what D’s new favorite trick is:
Here we are again – TGIF! And an extra special one today, for it’s our anniversary!! Hooray! R and I have made it 5 years so far in the holy sacrament of matrimony. Yeah, I’m not so sure how holy we are, but you catch my drift. I did finally figure out something to get him, but I’ll wait to divulge it until after today, just in the off chance that he happens to glance over here.
In other news, you remember that Supreme Court election I was all excited about because it had become so close and the person I’d voted for seemed to have a fighting chance? Yeah, not so much anymore. Apparently they *missed* an entire city in our area when they were tallying the votes, so now the candidate for whom I did not vote is ahead by like 7,000. Um, what? How does that happen?? How do you just miss 11,000+ votes? That is either a) a lie, b) a very convenient stroke of good luck for my opposing candidate, c) the latest scummy incident in what has become the shitstorm of politics in our state, or d) all of the above. Guess which one I’m going with? (hint – the answer is d) I hope that county clerk, or whomever is in charge of the ballots in that city, was fired immediately. Or at the very least has some sort of charges levied against him/her. That just can’t happen. Politics – yuck.
On a lighter note, here’s a good quote for this anniversary FF. I’m not sure what the problem is – I haven’t had any witty nuggets lately, so my quote book’s been getting a workout:
“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.” ~ Mignon McLaughlin
And here are a couple pictures from that wonderful day 5 years ago…