I just have to toot my own horn here for a second. I went out and jogged after work yesterday! Toot toot! I’ve mentioned how I have completely slacked off from exercising all winter and basically for the better part of a year now, and it’s finally gotten to me. I have to get back into some sort of shape! The other night I had 2 pieces of Ian’s pizza for dinner (holy yum, btw), which usually I’m all about, but when I got done eating this time I thought man, that made me feel like total junk. I need to change something here. So yesterday I got home early, the sun was out, it was above freezing (turns out not by much, though), and I actually was motivated to lace up the kicks and get out there.
Now please notice that I did not say I went for a *run*. I know better. 😉 This was definitely 100% a jog. I knew it would be though – I can’t head out just sprinting along like some people. I’m the type of runner who, if I’m really going to get into running shape and stick with it without injuring myself, needs to start out very very slowly and ease into things. Especially right now since I’m totally out of shape. I planned on simply going for 1 mile with no walking allowed, see how that felt, and add on if I could manage that far. I also told R to take a guess at what my 1 mile time would be – I said 11:22. Well, I just plugged my stats and route into my MapMyRun account and whaddya know? A 9:05 mile pace! Holla!! I went 1.44 miles in 13:06. Sweetness, much better than I was expecting. However, that was only for 1.44 miles. I’m sure as soon as I start to add distance that pace will slow exponentially. 😉 I need to keep at it, though. It’s sunny again today and supposed to be mid-40s, so maybe I’ll give it another shot tonight. I do need to make sure not to do too much too fast though, because I often end up with shin splints when I go that route. At least 1 day off in between runs is usually my preferred routine, but I know I won’t feel like it tomorrow afternoon.
I was pretty annoyed during my jog, though, because it seemed no matter which direction I went – north, south, east, or west – I was constantly running INTO the wind. I must’ve been in a vortex, lucky me. 😉 And it was cold, too! Man, I can’t wait for this crap cold weather to end.
I can’t run without music either. I used to hate running with headphones on, but now I can’t stand to not have them. I can too easily talk myself out of the run when all I can think about is how badly my legs and lungs hurt. So music provides a nice distraction. Plus, when the pump-up songs come on it seems like each step gets just a little bit lighter and easier. Yesterday Perfect Gentleman by Wyclef came on toward the end of my run, and dude, that is my JAM! For my Madison peeps out there, you know the relationship that song and I have – it would come on, usually at Brother’s, and I would instantly be on top of a table dancing. Kind of like a Pavlovian dog. Ahh, the good ol’ days….
Ok, onto the couple other things… Today is the Brewers season opener. Oh yeah, Go Brew Crew!! D’s all into it too:

I took that picture on my phone this morning in dim light, so it’s not the clearest shot, but I love her little almost-smile in that one. She’s such a character, I love it. Monday is their home opener, and D has another special outfit for that one. 😉 Here’s a great Bob Uecker article to get you in the spirit too:
R made another wicked meal for dinner last night – pork tenderloin, cut into thirds, tenderized, grilled, made into a sandwich on amazing pretzel rolls with cheese and his delicious homemade mustard blend concoction on top. Let the drooling commence:
And best of all – it’s almost Friday!! Hell to the yeah!