Ok, before I get to the Friday Funk for this week, I just have to mini-vent. Did you see the Badgers basketball game last night? WTF was that?? Again, playing like a grade school team. I mean, COME ON, it was the Sweet 16 and that’s all you got?! Ugh, seriously. So disappointing. I was, however, thrilled that Arizona beat Duke, so I’ll cheer for them now from here on out. I’ve always liked AZ. Plus my bracket’s shot anyway. 😛

But on to the more important point of this post – the FF. I have a book of quotes in my desk drawer where I jot down good ones that I find along the way, so I thought this would be the perfect venue to showcase some of them. When I don’t have anything really witty or clever to throw out there for the FF (shocking, i know, but sometimes it does happen), I’ll just choose one from my notebook, how’s that?

They’re all wonderful, but here’s one I saw again just the other day that caught my eye and made me look to see if I had it written down yet. I did. That’s apparently how good it is:

“Know how to ask. There is nothing more difficult for some people, nor for others, easier.”  ~ Baltasar Gracian

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