
Ok guys, I need some assistance. Our 5 year wedding anniversary is coming up in just a few weeks, and I have NO IDEA what to get R. I mean I’ve got nuthin’. My mind is completely blank on this one for some reason. Usually I can come up with something pretty decent, but every time I try to think of anything now I just get tumbleweeds rolling around in my brain.

Any ideas?? What do you get the guy who gets everything he wants for himself? He’s the one that knows all about the latest tech stuff and gadgets, so that genre is hard to sneak past him. Plus he knows WAY more about all those gizmos than I do. I’d also lean towards getting him an “experience”, if you will, as opposed to a “thing”, since we have very little room left in our house for more things that just sit there and look pretty.

We are going out to a really nice dinner to celebrate, which we agreed would be a joint present, but I’d still like to have a little somethin’ just for him. I have already warned him, though, that I’m lost on this one and not to expect anything (which he said goes the same for me, and with which i am TOTALLY fine), but I’d still feel kinda bad giving him nothing. 5 years seems like a big one.

The 5 year gift is wood. Umm…. wood? Let the brain-wracking commence….

I am open to any and all suggestions. Thanks in advance!

Love, SM

*I really hope this isn’t the day R decides to check out my blog!*

8 Replies to “Help!”

  1. Stuggling with the same thing. We decided that our Vegas trip in April would be a joint gift to each other but 5 years is a big deal and I would like to get Adam a little something. He too usually buys what he wants which make things even more difficult. 5 year anniversay is wood? Really…that’s stupid. Here are some ideas that I found on a website:
    Adopt a tree for the environment
    Gardening gifts
    Wood jewelry
    Carved love spoons from Wales
    Firewood as a practical gift
    Donate to a forest preservation charity
    Books or newspaper subscription
    Can you see R or A not laughing opening any of these gifts?

      1. Oh are you kidding?? Yeah, here R, here’s your practical gift of firewood, even though we don’t have a fireplace! 😀 Actually, that would be good for the fire pit in the backyard for summer… I know, I was like wood? Come on, give me a break! This is hard enough already.

        I did think of maybe a gift cert to a good butcher shop, or online steak place, or something like that. I’m with you – 5 seems too big to just do a nice dinner together. Let me know what you decide too!

  2. The 5 year gift is WOOD, so give the man some wood…or perhaps he would be giving you some wood…if you know what i mean.

    (sorry, i couldn’t resist). 🙂

  3. Hi! Found this and thought I would chime in. (BTW, like the blog! Are you having fun with it?)

    For my husband’s first Christmas as a Dad, I surprised him by taking our daughter to get her picture taken in a shirt that said “I <3 Daddy!" Then I framed it and gave it to him so he could take it to work for his desk. If you took D to a place like Sears, Target, or Portrait Innovations ($10 for a bunch of prints of one pose), it would be cheap. Then frame it in a wooden frame!

    1. Hi Emilie! Thanks for the gift idea – I like that one, and was even trying to think of something along the lines of a wooden picture framed something. And yes, I am having a lot of fun with the blog. I had no idea if anyone would care what I have to say, but I like just throwing it out there anyway. 🙂 Thank you for reading!

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