Haaaaaaaallelujah!!! Not only is it Friday, but the sun is shining!! I was flabbergasted that the sky was already starting to brighten when my alarm went off at 5:30 this morning (::yawn::), and then I actually had to wear SUNGLASSES on the drive to work! I thought the sun I saw on my way home yesterday was quite possibly a vitamin D deficiency-induced hallucination, but I guess not! Isn’t it amazing what that bright ball in the sky does for one’s attitude after weeks upon weeks upon months of nothing but dreary, gray crap?

In a conversation about what you look forward to most with the onset of Spring and warm weather, someone on the radio said it perfectly this morning – “I think Milwaukeeans appreciate summer more than other people.” Amen, brother, preach on!

So I thought this was a perfectly fitting FF:

“Spring: Time for Sundresses. And to start shaving your legs again.”

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