Dirty little secrets

Admit it, we all have them. Some aren’t so little, and some are dirtier than others. But I’m pretty sure each of us has at least one or two rattling around in our closet somewhere.

I’ll let you in on one of mine… I wax my upper lip. Egad! Now I’m nowhere close to rockin’ one of these, mind you:

But each time I go in to have another gurly area waxed I have her rip off the little fuzz that lives up there too. Why not? It takes approximately 7 seconds and leaves my face smooth and squeaky clean.

Got any you’d like to share? Come on, you know you want to… πŸ™‚


p.s. I also get an occasional whisker or two. Zoinks!!


4 Replies to “Dirty little secrets”

  1. Is that a picture of a man or woman? If it’s a chick, my lord?!?

    I have to admit that in my elder age, I’ve begun waxing my upper lip too. I never use to get hair there but lately I get annoying, blond, fuzzies. Yuck!

    1. Haha – it’s a woman! Scary, isn’t it? Dear god, I think I’d have to do more than just wax that!!

      But Stace, you make me feel better knowing I’m not alone on this one. Maybe we should start a club. πŸ™‚

  2. i haven’t waxed my upper lip yet, but have been considering it. I keep telling my hair stylist that if she thinks its time, then it’s time. I do spend an irregular amount of time looking at my upper lip to make sure it’s not too bad. crap, now i think i should just get it done….AHHHHH!

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