Why haven’t we done this before?

Last night we went to a birthday party at a friend’s house, and the theme was fantastic – a beer tasting! Everyone brought a 6 pack of their choice concealed in a bag so no one knew who brought what. Then our hosts wrapped each bottle in foil and numbered them by 6 pack, so you didn’t know which beer you were trying. There ended up being 19 6 packs in all, so they were divided up into 4 stations of 4-5 beers each. Once arranged, you moseyed your way around to each station and judged all the beers. Each beer was rated on aroma, first taste, mouthfeel, aftertaste, and overall impression, with the highest- and lowest-scoring beers getting a prize. Brilliant! Why have none of us thought of this idea before?

Another fun aspect was that it was our friend’s “Ron Dayne” birthday. A number of our friends are turning 33 this year, so in honor of the great Badger running back, each person gets to wear the #33 Ron Dayne jersey on his/her birthday. R started the tradition by purchasing the jersey for his birthday last summer, so it’s now making its way through the group. I’m definitely washing that thing before my turn! 😉

It was a great night spent with great friends. I feel like we’ve all been hibernating through this miserable winter, so it’s awesome knowing that this season is finally close to its end and we’re starting to see everyone again. Happy Ron Dayne, G, and thanks for a great party!

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