Working the kinks out

I’m still pretty new to this whole blogging world, so I’m doing a little tweaking of my site. The address is a tad different, my sidebar contents have a few different names, but hopefully you were still able to find me ok. And for those of you who had already subscribed to my blog, a huge THANK YOU!! Please make sure you sign up again through this page because my old feeds will be disabled shortly. Just click on one of the icons under “Follow Me” over there on the right and enter your info to keep receiving my updates. Please let me know if you are having any trouble subscribing, because I set those icons and their respective links up myself with no help from R, our resident computer expert. And by expert, I mean mega uber guru. This guy was tooling around on the interwebs and the Googles long before they existed in any form that we know today. If there was a classification higher than mega uber guru, that would be him.

Thanks for bearing with me through these little changes! As always, feel free to offer any suggestions for page design and content or post topics. And if you have or know someone who has a link that would like to be added to my blogroll over there, shoot that to me as well.

And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming…

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