And who might you be?

I’m so glad you asked! I figured as the newbie blogger on the block, I’d better introduce myself a bit. Let’s see, where should I begin…

I’m a Midwestern girl who’s done the brights lights and big city of NYC and has come back to her roots to settle down and start a family. I have an amazingly wonderful husband, a beautiful baby girl, a family that loves me no matter what, and the best group of friends ever. I’m now a Badger for life, and I love, love, love to have fun. Laughter is my favorite medicine.

I want to get back into fighting shape after having my first baby and might attempt a half marathon this summer in order to do so. Am I crazy? Maybe.

Being a mom is more incredible than I ever dreamed possible, and I am surprisingly loving every second of it. That amazing husband mentioned above and I both work full-time, so I have had to come to terms with the guilt of sending baby girl to daycare. So far, so good, but I would love nothing more than to be able to someday leave the corporate world and be either a stay-at-home or work-at-home mommy. That little girl has opened my eyes to this world in a whole new indescribable way, and I can’t thank her enough for that.

I am stubborn and sarcastic, but my sensitive and caring side has come to the forefront much more often since August 1, 2010. I have some of the most random thoughts of any person I know, and my dreams are vivid and bizarre enough to give even the most experienced dream whisperer fits. I love making people laugh, so hopefully I can throw some giggles your way.

So there’s a glimpse into the life of ScooterMarie. Stick around to learn more and see what happens next.










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