Week 8. And my birthday is this week on May 8. Coincidental somehow? I’m not a huge believer in God, per se, but I definitely believe that there is a force much bigger than us ruling the cosmos. I don’t send thoughts and prayers, I send love and good juju. So perhaps these 8s are a cosmic sign of something this week. Or not, we shall see.
It felt like summer this past weekend, with 2 days of 70s and sunshine. It was glorious. Then the temperature dropped 30 degrees in a snap Sunday evening, and we’re back to “spring” in Wisconsin. It was great while it lasted, my gardens are starting to look beautiful, and I just hope they survive these dreary temps again until we can get back to a consistent spring vibe. Oh, and Morrison has discovered Super Mario Brothers. Great, another video game addiction.

The recap, you say? Happy to oblige:
May 4, 2020
- May the fourth be with you. So corny. Monday meetings for all the kids today, which I know they look forward to every week. Poor Lana was all nervous because we couldn’t get into her meeting at the right time, but it turns out her teacher was just busy preparing lessons and totally lost track of time. I understand that for sure! So they simply hopped on a half hour later, and she’s giving them a bonus meeting tomorrow morning, too. How fun!
- It’s teacher appreciation week, so they each made a card for their teacher that I photographed and emailed out today. They also all wore their respective teacher’s favorite color to the class meetings today. I so wish they could hug them in person instead, but hopefully these help brighten their days, too.
- Della pulled out her second tooth in a week, #13. The Tooth Fairy comes again already!
- Morrison has taken to saying he doesn’t like himself because of his eyelashes lately. The only reason he came up with that is because Ryan told them he cut off his eyelashes when he was a kid because he was sick of his mom’s friends always saying how they loved his long eyelashes. Ugh. So finally I’d had enough of the nonsense and said ok, what is it exactly that you’d rather look like? He said he wanted double eyebrows instead (what?!?), so I said fine, I’ll give you double eyebrows, and I’m pretty sure you’ll then realize you are perfect just the way you are. He did. 😉
- I made my second makeup bag tonight, and it did turn out a little better than the first one. They are a bigger pain in the butt to make than I expected, though, so I’m not sure how many more I’ll get to.

May 5, 2020
- Happy Cinco de Mayo! Man, could I go for some margaritas right now…
- The twins absolutely love doing all of Morrison’s counting songs after his morning meeting videos. I said they’ll be pros by the time they get to K4!
- I totally screwed up and forgot all about Lana’s bonus video class meeting today. I felt so bad! She was so excited to get to see her teacher again and even wore her red outfit again today, which is her teacher’s favorite color. She was so gracious, though, and told me it was ok, it was really for the kids who didn’t get to see her yesterday, and she did get to see her already. My sweet, sweet baby girl, thank you!
- We got a second (and last!) round of dirt delivered today – 2 yards of compost to go on top of all the topsoil we already spread. I can’t wait to have a yard of grass again!
- I found another twin tulip, this time in my garden around the front lamppost. I’ve never seen these before, and now 2 have come up in my gardens this spring – awesome!

May 6, 2020
- Beautiful day today, so I took the kids for a long walk after lunch to be out of the house during an important video meeting Ryan had.
- Ryan spread all the compost while we were gone this afternoon so we’re ready for seed.

May 7, 2020
- Last day of 40 for me, woof
- Another really busy day for Ryan, so I took the kids on another post-lunch walk. The twins slept more during it today than yesterday, but hopefully they can nap back in their beds tomorrow.
- Tomorrow night is supposed to be cold enough for frost, so I took some pictures of my gardens today in case they perish. I sure hope not – I’ve worked so hard on my favorite tulips!
- Now Lana pulled out a tooth today! #7 for her. The Tooth Fairy apparently can’t leave!

May 8, 2020
- Happy birthday to me! #41. I’ve always loved my birthday, even as an adult and even though we can’t celebrate with anyone this year. I even painted my toenails last night for the first time since last fall to get ready for it. 😀 It started off awesome – Della snuck in and decorated my room before I woke up; she made me a delicious breakfast of a raisin bagel topped with peanut butter, my go-to meal since I can eat it standing and walking around the house 😉 ; all 3 big kids were dressed beautifully – the girls in dresses and Morrison in a very handsome sweater/pants combo; Ryan made me a pot of coffee (even though he used decaf 😉 ); all the big kids made me fantastic books and pictures; Lana made me a garland of snowflakes, which I hung in the dining room; they all got finished with school really early. It was wonderful! Then all hell broke loose, courtesy of the twins, as usual. Ryan was on another call for work, they wouldn’t shut up and were being naughty messing around in the big kids’ room, I put them in their beds for their “time out” spot, and I utterly lost it. I started sobbing and literally hid in the basement pantry, just letting it all pour out. I gave zero shits about being too loud for Ryan’s call. I was holing myself up in a back corner of the basement with no lights on, for fuck’s sake. I think I freaked him and the big kids out because he immediately came down to comfort me and the kids were really quiet when I finally came up, but too bad. I can only take so long of trying to be everything for everyone, I guess. Too bad it all came crashing down on my birthday, of all days. But he put his work on hold so I could go for a run shortly thereafter, which I always need to keep my sanity intact. Then I redid the border of the vegetable garden in the back when I got done with that, which I’ve wanted to do forever. And Ryan and the kids made a hilarious “Honk, It’s Mamma’s B-day!” sign and hung it on the front tree while I was running. Too bad today is freezing cold and windy so it kept blowing down, but after this morning it is definitely the thought that counts. I might put it back up tomorrow, though, because approximately zero cars drove by before I brought it in so it didn’t blow completely away!
- Snow flurries this morning. What the heck?! I’m used to snow in April now, but never on my birthday before!
- Friends were supposed to come over for drinks tonight, but since it’s so cold today, we’re postponing that until hopefully tomorrow. **ETA: Ryan surprised me again this year! He invited a bunch of friends over to our yard for a surprise cheers and cupcakes this afternoon. It was so much fun!!**
- Della pulled out another tooth this morning – #14! What the heck?! Am I not giving these kids enough calcium to keep their teeth in their heads?? Oh wow, and I’m 41 today – palindromes!
- Happy Mother’s Day to all the incredible mothers out there this Sunday. We are pretty damn amazing.