9 month stats

Lana turned 9 months old on Sunday. Now she’s spent roughly the same amount of time outside as she did inside. Crazy.


somebody was very sleepy and much more interested in getting the 9 months sticker off her shirt than having her 9 months picture taken

We had her 9 month well check yesterday, so here are the official stats:

  • Height:  28.5″ (75%)
  • Weight:  16 lbs. 15.5 oz. (25%)
  • Head:  44.5 cm (50-75%, i think)

The word this month is MOVEMENT! She started off doing her army crawl/belly flopping around the place awhile ago, but now she’s a full-on regular crawler. We spent the past couple days down at my mom’s house, and as soon as those little legs hit carpet, up on all fours she went. She loved crawling normally (and fast!) on all carpeted areas, but then she’d flop right back down onto her belly as soon as she hit another hard surface. So weird.


One big accomplishment she had was crawling up the steps at my mom’s house too. They have 2 steps from the living room into the kitchen, and she handled them like she’d been crawling since day 1. It was pretty impressive.


Now that we’re back home she does a combo of crawling and belly flopping, so I have a feeling she’ll stay on her knees for good pretty soon. She has started crawling out of the room chasing Della more often than flopping, so that’s a good sign.

She also started pulling herself up on everything last week. She had begun doing this in her crib the week before so we had to lower her mattress, but I hadn’t seen her do it on the furniture too until almost a week ago. Now she does it like it’s second nature. And she’s very confident in this new found skill. A little too confident sometimes, and I’m constantly afraid she’s going to fall and crack her chin on every single thing.


Let’s see, what else have we got going on now? She’s still sleeping beautifully, thank heavens (knock on wood!). I take her into her room after her nighttime bottle, hand her her big green monkey, and put her in her crib awake still. It’s great. I plugged a little nightlight in right next to her crib, and she’s doing great. Let’s hope this keeps up for good!

I think she’s transitioning from 3 naps a day down to 2, too. Often she’ll take a little later morning nap then a solid mid-afternoon one, so she doesn’t really need more sleep after dinner. Depending on circumstances she does still sneak 3 in some days. I’d say right now it’s about half and half 2 naps vs. 3. Fortunately, though, when she does take an evening nap, she usually wakes up and is pretty much ready to go back to sleep almost right away. I’ll just change her, get her pjs on, and get her bottle ready. This routine is infinitely better than what we had to endure a few months ago!


Eating. She’s a great little chow hound. She eats all solids for lunch and dinner, and yesterday the doctor said to start adding in some more food too. She had Cheerios for the first time yesterday as well, per the doctor’s ok, and she ate them with no problem at all. That’s good, because now I don’t have to worry about buying separate little puffs or anything for her. Cheerios for all.


Teeth. She has the front 2 bottom ones fairly well in, the front 2 top ones are coming down now, and just yesterday I saw the bottom left one right next to the front one coming through. And she grinds them, ugh. No wonder she constantly has to have something in her mouth.

Not a whole ton of “words” yet, but still lots of sounds. “Do” is her big one (sounds like “doh”, not “doo”), and I’ve noticed she says it a lot when I tell her no. Maybe that’s what she’s trying to say, because she hears “no” often. The little stinker is a magnet for everything she shouldn’t have – outlets, DVDs off the shelf, books under the coffee table…


And I keep saying she’s going to be an opera singer. She can scream at an octave that most people could never dream of hitting. It’s practically glass-shattering. And she usually doesn’t do it when she’s upset, rather just to make noise. Lucky us.


For those keeping track at home, these stats are roughly the same as last month – she wears size 3 diapers and size 4 overnights in Seventh Generation (size 2 daytime and size 3 overnights still fit pretty well in other brands), and almost all of the clothes she’s wearing now are 12 month size. I brought all of Della’s summer clothes down from the attic from her first summer, and those are essentially nothing but 12 month pieces. So that’s what Lana’s wearing for her first summer too.


I think that about covers the main things for this month. She is certainly still my little squiggle, and I love her to death.

9 mos collage

Not only do I have a photo comparison of the girls this month, but 9 months is apparently when I had started blogging and updating on Della too. So you can read how they compare as well, right here.


i tried to pick a comparison photo with similar facial expressions 😉

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