Summer lovin’

I am beyond thrilled that the weather is finally starting to turn. Huge emphasis on the finally. I swear this winter seemed to never end, no matter what date the calendar read. Having a newborn during those miserable winter months wasn’t the most fun either, but that’s not the point of this post…

This summer is going to be so much fun. Ryan’s place of employment allows them the full calendar year after a baby is born to take parental leave, so he has saved his and will be taking a good portion of June and July off. We get a summer vacation as a family this year! I can’t wait. First up will be a nice long road trip out to Colorado to visit my sisters and meet our brand new nephew, who should be making his appearance sometime in the next couple weeks!! (Marissa, if you’re reading, did you just poop your pants at that thought? 😉 )

But I think I will coin this the summer of music. We have more concerts lined up so far than I think we’ve had in any other season. Check this out:

  • Kenny Chesney & Eric Church at Miller Park in May
  • Tedeschi Trucks Band at Red Rocks in June
  • Violent Femmes & The Avett Brothers at Summerfest in June
  • Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers at Summerfest in June
  • Rush at Summerfest in July
  • The Eagles at Summerfest in July
  • Paul McCartney at Miller Park in July

Come on! That is one hell of a lineup! This is going to be awesome.

And on a completely different note, I bought a new face lotion that I am loving. Despite containing a broad spectrum SPF 30, it’s super light and not greasy at all. This is something I definitely appreciate with oily skin. I just started using it so I’m not sure how truly effective its claim to reduce dark spots is (i really hope that works, though), but everything else about it is great. It smells really good too, which is a major criterion for me with any product ever since my sense of smell went haywire when I was pregnant with Della.

That’s about it for today; just some random thoughts for you all. Get out and enjoy the day – it’s supposed to be in the 80s here! The girls and I are going to the park for the first time in months, and D is so excited. I just ordered a double jogging stroller that is supposed to arrive today, and I can’t wait to test it out.


6 Replies to “Summer lovin’”

  1. That is a great lineup!! We’re going to Paul McCartney too! He’s opening the tour here in Orlando in just a couple weeks. Can’t freaking wait. I’ve seen him twice before but my husband has never seen him. Then, just a month later, we’re going to the Americanarama festival which features our favorite, favorite band Wilco, along with Bob Dylan, My Morning Jacket and Bob Weir of the Dead. Can’t wait!!!

    So jealous of your summer plans. I was just saying to my friend that I’d kill to take the summer off. It’s the last one before E goes into kindergarten and I’m feeling very weepy about it!

    Enjoy the weather! Ours has been perfect lately but soon it will be taking a turn for the too hot and we’ll be retreating back indoors!
    Jackie @ MomJovi recently posted..BFFs 2.0

    1. Ooo – tell me how McCartney is!! Neither of us has seen him, so we’re psyched. Americanarama sounds amazeballs! I love Wilco and the Dead, but I haven’t heard of My Morning Jacket. I’ve seen Bob Dylan once at Summerfest, but he was beyond terrible. Hopefully he has a much better showing for you guys. 😉

      Yeah, I am so pumped for this summer. Ryan’s taking roughly a month off total, so it will be a blast. Plus I’m only working 2 days a week now for all of May and I expect the rest of the summer too. Par-tay! Well, probably not a ton since I’ll be making approximately $0, but at least I’ll have a good tan. Ha!

      If you guys are ever up in the Milwaukee area during the summer, you should definitely go to Summerfest – I’m pretty sure it’s the world’s largest music festival, lasting 10 days each year. And you’d of course have to let me know if you come! 😀
      ScooterMarie recently posted..Summer lovin’

  2. Good heavens… I’m jealous of your concert schedule!! Especially of the Tedeschi Trucks show! We have seen Susan Tedeschi & Derek Trucks together AND separately. Been a ST fan for well over a decade. Love her! Is this the tour with The Black Crowes? Hope so… they put on a killer show too! They aren’t coming to GR… hell, shows that ARE coming to GR are mid-week and too spendy to consider paying $200 + sitter + dinner + drinks — especially when the bands we want to see we have seen play live before. Anyways — so happy to hear you have big plans to look forward to this summer!! It was a long winter. You deserve to get out and enjoy some incredible music!
    Kelli @ Momma Needs a Beer recently posted..The Great Outdoors in Beer City, USA

    1. Thank you, Kelli!! Yeah, I can NOT wait. No, I don’t think Tedeschi Trucks is touring with The Black Crowes for this one, but you’re right – that would be a kick ass show!! I’ve seen The Black Crowes too, and they were phenomenal. I hear you – this winter can suck it. Bring on some warmth, sun, and fun! 😉

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