Hawaii – the rest…

Since the majority of my time on Maui was spent lounging by the pool, reading (Hunger Games trilogy anyone? i loved it!), soaking up sun, and sipping cool drinks, I’ll share the rest of my holiday recap through pictures. It was definitely a week to remember.




4 Replies to “Hawaii – the rest…”

  1. Reading The Hunger Games while in Hawaii? Lucky duck. Did you pretend you were Katniss for a hot second when you were in the forest pic? Found your site through the SITS forum. Enjoying the read. Cheers! Blair

    1. @BlairKernodleScheepers Hi, Blair. Thanks for stopping over! Yes – I totally pictured myself as Katniss while reading those! I’m not kidding – I had dreams for days after I finished them that I was in the Games. They were excellent, and now I can’t wait for the movies!

  2. Beautiful pictures! Looks like heaven on earth! My favorite is the last one with you holding D in one hand and a beer in the other. You look so relaxed. Love it!

    1. @aliwayout Hahaha – thanks! Yeah, that one is one of my favorites too. 🙂 It was our last evening there, right before we had to leave the hotel. Boo…

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