It’s Mom Sexy time!

First off, what do you think of the new look? I decided things needed a little sprucing up around here, so I gave my blog a mini-makeover. Let me know. Good, bad, or otherwise, I’m always open to feedback and suggestions. Now onto the main event…


A few weeks ago I posted about finding a little Mom Sexy of my own one night at the gym. Well Mary Fischer, the Mommyologist herself, actually read that little ditty and loved it. I was SO excited! She’s since started a new Mom Sexy Fridays series over on her blog, and of course I volunteered to be a part of it. She took the time to read my small post, after all, so I definitely want to do what I can to contribute back. And I am thrilled to announce that today is my day to be featured. THRILLED, people! So please, head on over to the Mommyologist to see what amazing things I have to say today, won’t you? Happy Mom Sexy Friday!


My Mom Sexy Friday…



6 Replies to “It’s Mom Sexy time!”

  1. J, how awesome!!! Great post and you do look amazing. You will be my inspiration this winter/spring because I do feel like a mushy mess right now.

    1. Thank you, Stacey!! I discovered it really is doable. And I’m certainly not working out all crazy-style either. It’s all about doing what you can, when you can, instead of thinking oh I don’t have time for a full hour workout so I’m not doing anything. Little by little, and it works!

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