We’re underway in Week in My Life, and this is pretty fun. In case you need a refresher of what this week’s all about, you can read yesterday’s recap here or check out the full guidelines over at Adventuroo. Now let’s continue…

R picked D up from daycare today on her bike taxi and took her to the park since it was another beautiful afternoon, but she was ready to be done over there before I was able to meet them after work, shortly after 4:30 again. So once I got home, D and I had some silly time together and I relaxed for a minute while Daddy watched his afternoon sports shows and she had some snacks. Then I had to make up for missing the park with some outside play time of our own. She even got to pet a puppy as it walked by – her favorite!

Dinner time for D came at 5:00 tonight and consisted of a delicious menu of mac and cheese, banana, and some fresh tomato from our garden that was leftover from Daddy’s dinner sandwich. Once sufficiently messy (and full), it was definitely time for a bath.

After her long night at the ball park last night, D started acting pretty sleepy shortly after 6:00, which didn’t surprise me at all. So I filled up a bottle, let her play a little while longer while I cleaned up the kitchen and bathroom and got changed out of my work clothes, then she got up on the couch with Daddy for the bedtime wind-down.

That didn’t last long, however, and she was soon back up and cruising around the living room – “helping” me write this post, checking out what shows we were catching up on from the DVR, and reading books.

Finally at 7:30 it was time to try for bed again, so back up on the couch with Daddy she went. She drank her milk for about 5 minutes before she started coughing again, so R just put her in bed awake (which, *fingers crossed*, has been working ok lately). We heard one small cry as he left her room, then all was silent in baby dream land. Ahh… Time for Mommy’s dinner (leftover R’s homemade sweet and sour pork – yum!) and a glass of her favorite, Hallowine.

R went to watch baseball in the bedroom at 8:00, which meant I then had the tv all to myself for the rest of the night! So I promptly turned on E! to watch Kim Kardashian’s wedding special. As you may remember, I NEVER get to control the tv in our house. So when I do, I go big. Now that’s the perfect way to end this Tuesday. Cheers!

(yes, that’s the same pj t-shirt from last night to go with the shine on my forehead. don’t hate.)
I have to know more about Hallowine!
Please and thank you 🙂
Oo it is delicious! It’s a sweet apple wine from Door County, with lots of fall spice flavors – think a kicked up version of apple cider. In fact, they recommend serving it warm with a cinnamon stick, like a hot glog. Here’s a link: http://www.dcwine.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=209
I like it cold best, just because I’m not a big fan of hot drinks, but I’m sure it’s just as excellent warm as it is cold. It’s been on sale at our local grocery store the past couple weeks, so I’ve definitely bought my fair share this year, ha!
It’s so fun to see these little sneak-peeks into your daily life! I’m impressed that you’re keeping up with this challenge. Don’t know how you guys do it!
I had the same thought as Andrea … thanks for the wine link. Sounds fabulous.
Also, what type of infant tub is that? We’re struggling to find one that actually helps the baby stay upright. 🙂
Thanks, Suzanne! I honestly can’t believe I’m keeping up with it, either. I’m usually not the one into taking pics, my husband loves to do that, so snapping them all and spending so much time uploading them and writing the posts late-night is a lot of work. I think it’s a really neat record to have, though, so I’ll try to make all 7 days.
Dude, the Hallowine?? My FAVE! Like I told her, it’s been on sale lately so I’ve been stocking up. I’ll have to get another picture of the growing collection of bottles in my dining room table Fall decoration. But if I put flowers in them it’s all good, right? 😉
The tub is the Primo EuroBath. Here it is on Amazon:
I saw it at one of our friend’s house before D was born, and they said they loved it – more room in the tub for baby than a lot of the baby tubs, and once they can sit up by themselves it’s perfect. Plus we don’t have a bathtub since we redid our bathroom and just made a tiled shower stall, so we needed something that was standalone. It says it fits kids up to age 2, but I think we’ll probably be able to use it even longer than that.
Oops, my whole last paragraph there turned into the Amazon link for some reason, but that’s the one. 😛
Love all the pictures. It’s great to have the stories of our days, but the pictures say so much more!
Thanks, Alissa! I know, I agree. I try not to “say” too much in these posts, but they always end up wordy anyway. 🙂